Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We're Donating 100% of Our Profits on Friday!

Want to make a difference in the lives of kids? Laurel and I are donating 100% of our profits this Friday to Remnant Restoration to create new bedrooms for recently-adopted children. 100% of our profits from every sale this Friday will go directly to bedroom and playroom makeovers for orphans. The first project we're funding is for a family with 2 children who are adopting 4 children from Ethiopa. We're designing and furnishing three bedrooms for them! And when we're finished with their rooms, we'll create more for other adopted kids. The more we sell on Friday...the more projects we can fund!!

Don't need anything but still want to help? You can donate online at Remnant Restoration http://www.remnantrestoration.org/

Friday, November 14, 2008

Holiday Shopping Ideas

My snail-mailbox has been stuffed with catalogs this week from my favorite stores. It's time to start thinking about Christmas! Laurel has picked out some fun things from Stylish Kids Rooms and featured them in our Holiday Boutique. I love, love, love our retro pink pedal plane. Finally...a transportation toy for girls! (We've got pedal planes and trains for boys, too.)

We've also got these super soft sheepskin rugs for kids. Just in! They're small, round, and absolutely adorable!

Themed playroom furniture is stylish and fun. What a great way to perk up your child's play space. We've got toy boxes, rocking chairs, shelving, and desks fit for royalty in themes like flowers, Paris, firemen, and more!
We'll post more ideas this week for you to add to your shopping list!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Nursery Decorating Tips

Decorating my third child's nursery was one of the most daunting projects I'd ever undertaken. I new exactly what I wanted and I just needed to find it. Unfortunately, the walls in the room were a very unusual shade of green...one that I just couldn't seem to match. Laurel wasn't around to suggest I just paint the walls to match the bedding I wanted. After all, a can of paint is alot less expensive than custom bedding, right?
Fortunately for new moms and moms-to-be, Laurel is here for you! And to make your nursery decorating task a whole lot easier, she's got some tips:
1. Choose one item, an inspiration piece, to build your entire room around. For example, a colorful crib bedding, lamp, pillow, or rug you really love.
2. Build your color scheme around the inspiration piece. Expert designers like Laurel choose three colors: a dominant color and two accent colors.
3. Repeat your color scheme throughout the room with fun accessories like small shelves, floor cushions, mobiles, and diaper stackers.
4. Consider leaving the work to us and shop for complete nursery collections at StylishKidsRooms.com!
We've got a fantastic selection of designer baby bedding from Three Little Ziglets, Glenna Jean, New Arrivals Inc, and Freckles. And coming soon...gorgeous custom bedding by Beautiful Baby!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pure Ecommerce

When Laurel and I started the ministry, we searched for a business idea to help fund our free design makeovers for widows and orphans. Never in a million years did we imagine opening an online children's boutique. But Jennifer Gault-Varner of Pure Ecommerce opened our eyes to the amazing world of internet retail. Pure Ecommerce is THE site to find boutique-style internet businesses for sale. Jennifer has complete turn-key businesses available or she'll help aspiring e-retailers create one from scratch. Her experience and success as an online business owner has made her a credible and highly-respected ecommerce consultant. Check out Pure Ecommerce at www.pure-ecommerce.com!